Saturday, March 2, 2013

Patrick balloon star

Materials: balloons, scissors, permanent marker and an air pump.

Buy balloons on Amazon (paid link): 
 Buy an air pump on Amazon (paid link): 

Today we are going to use technique described in previously published instruction Fabric 8, Surfboard  to make Patrick star (a friend of Sponge Bob). Inflate a balloon (green or yellow) leaving  about eight-inch flat tail to make the pants (pic 1).

Twist the first about four-inch bubble. Twist the second soft about one-inch bubble. Twist the third about-four inch bubble. Twist the fourth soft about one-inch bubble (Pic 2).

Lock both ends of the chain of the first four (the first through the fourth) bubble in one lock twist (Pic 3).

Cut off the rest of the balloon. Lock both ends of the second bubble in one lock twist. Lock both ends of the fourth bubble in one lock twist (Pic 4). We have made the pants.

Inflate two balloons (pink) leaving about four-inch flat tail to make the body (Pic 5).

Twist the first about four-inch bubble of the pink balloon. Lock the free end of the first pink bubble with the second yellow bubble (Pic 6). 

Twist the first about four-inch bubble of the second pink balloon. Lock the free end of the first bubble of the second pink balloon with the fourth yellow bubble (Pic 7). We have made legs.

Twist the second pink about one-inch bubbles. Twist the third about three-inch bubble of the first pink balloon (Pic 8).

Lock the free end of the third pink bubble with the free end of the second bubble of the second pink balloon. Twist the third about three-inch bubble of the second pink balloon (Pic 9).

Lock the free end of the third bubble of the second pink balloon between the second and the third bubble of the first pink balloon (Pic 10).

Twist the fourth about one-inch bubble of the second pink balloon. Twist the fifth soft about one-inch bubble of the second pink balloon (Pic 11).

Lock both ends of the fifth bubble in one lock twist (Pic 12).

Twist the fourth about one-inch bubble of the first pink balloon. Twist the fifth soft about one-inch bubble of the first pink balloon. Lock both ends of the fifth bubble in one lock twist (Pic 13).

Twist the sixth about three-inch bubble of the second pink balloon (Pic 14).

Lock the free end of the sixth bubble of the second pink balloon with the fifth bubble of the first pink balloon. Twist the sixth about three-inch bubble of the first pink balloon (Pic 15).

Lock the free end of the sixth bubble of the first pink balloon with the fifth bubble of the second pink balloon (Pic 16). We have made the body.

The next five bubbles we twist to make the arms. Twist the seventh about four-inch bubble. Twist the eighth soft about one-inch bubble. Twist the ninth about one-inch bubble. Later we are going to pop this bubble. Twist the tenth soft about one-inch bubble. Twist the eleventh about four-inch bubble (Pic 17).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last eight (the fifth through the eleventh) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 18).

Cut off the rest of the balloon and tie off the end. Lock both ends of the eighth bubble in one lock twist. Lock both ends of the tenth bubble in one lock twist (Pic 19).

Pop the ninth bubble to split the arms apart (Pic 20). We have made the arms.

We are going to use the other pink balloon to make the head. Twist the seventh about one-inch bubble. Twist the eighth soft about five-inch bubble. Twist the ninth about one-inch bubble (Pic 21). 

Lock both ends of the chain of the last five (the fifth through the ninth) bubbles in one lock twist. Lock both ends of the eighth bubble in one lock twist (Pic 22). We have made the head.

Let's make two white eye bubbles. Twist two soft about two-inch bubbles. Lock all ends of both bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 23). We have made eye bubbles.

Lock the eye bubbles with the eighth bubble of the head (Pic 24). Congratulations, we have made Patrick star.

Use a permanent black marker to draw the eyes. Also, we can deflate the hand (eighth and the tenth) bubbles and tie off the ends (Pic 25).

It's very simple to change pants on this sculpture (Pic 26 and 27). And we can fix arms and legs in different positions.

In the following example we are going to use just one balloon to make the body of Patrick star. Inflate pink balloon leaving about eight-inch flat tail to make the body (Pic 28).

In this example I use blue balloon and work in the same fashion as we did previously to make the pants (Pic 29).

Twist the first pink about two-inch bubble. Lock the free end of the first pink bubble with the small blue bubble of the pants (Pic 30). We have made one leg.

Twist the second pink about one-inch bubble. Twist the third soft about three-inch bubble. Twist the fourth soft about three-inch bubble (Pic 31).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last two (the third and the fourth) pink bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 32).

Twist the fifth about one-inch bubble. Twist the sixth soft about one-inch bubble (Pic 33).

Lock both ends of the sixth bubble in one lock twist (Pic 34).

Twist the seventh about two-inch bubble. Twist the eighth soft about one-inch bubble (Pic 35).

Lock both ends of the eighth bubble in one lock twist (Pic 36).

Twist the chain of the next five bubbles to make the arms. Twist the ninth about two-inch bubble. Twist the tenth soft about one-inch bubble. Twist the eleventh bubble. Later we are going to pop this bubble. Twist the twelfth soft about one-inch bubble. Twist the thirteenth about two-inch bubble (Pic 37).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last eight (the sixth through thirteenth) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 38).

Twist the fourteenth very soft about four-inch bubble to make the head. Later we are going to split this bubble on three bubbles (Pic 39). Also, make sure the end of the balloon is about four-inch long.

Lock the free end of the fourteenth bubble with the eighth bubble (Pic 40).

Twist the fifteenth about one-inch bubble (Pic 41).

Lock the free end of the fifteenth bubble between the third and the fourth bubble (Pic 42). 
You have to force the end of the balloon through the loop of the third and the fourth bubble.

Twist the sixteenth about one-inch bubble (Pic 43). 

Lock the free end of the sixteenth pink bubble with the small blue bubble (Pic 44). The rest of the pink balloon is the second legs (seventeenth bubble). It should be about the same two-inch size as the first bubble. We have made the body and the legs.

Split the fourteenth bubble on three bubbles of about the same size. Lock both ends of the small middle fourteenth bubble in one lock twist. We have made the head (Pic 45).

Make two about one-inch eye bubbles (Pic 46).

Lock the eye bubbles with the head bubble (Pic 47 and 48).

Lock both ends of the tenth bubble in one lock twist. Lock both ends of the twelfth bubble in one lock twist (Pic 49).

Pop the eleventh bubble to split the arms. Use a permanent black marker to draw the eyes. Deflate hand (the tenth and the twelfth) bubbles and tie off the ends. We have made the Patrick star (Pic 50).

Congratulations, we have made two different size Patrick star sculptures (Pic 51). 
Have fun and happy twisting :)

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