Sunday, October 2, 2016

Balloon broomstick

Supplies: balloons, an air pump and scissors.

Buy balloons on Amazon (paid link): 
 Buy an air pump on Amazon (paid link): 

Inflate a balloon (gray in this example) leaving no flat tail. We are going to use this balloon to make the broom.

We are going to split this balloon on four bubbles of about the same size. First let's split the balloon on two bubbles of the same size.

Fold the bubbles together along each other.

Now we have to split each bubbles on two smaller bubbles of about the same size each. Hold both bubble together along each other and fold them in half.

In one move split both bubbles in half and lock them in one lock twist.

Inflate the second (yellow in this example) balloon leaving no flat tail. We are going to use this balloon to make the stick.

Split the balloon on two bubbles of about the same size.

Lock the middle of the second (yellow) balloon between bubbles of the first (gray) balloon.

Now we are going to braid bubbles of the second (yellow) balloon around each other.

Twist about 3 cm bubbles at each end of the balloon (yellow) and lock their free ends in one lock twist. We have made the stick.

Hold all four (gray) bubbles of the broom together.

Tie a flat balloon around bubbles (gray) of the broom to keep them together.

Trim off ends of the flat balloon. Congratulations! We have made the broomstick of balloons.

Have fun and happy twisting :)

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