Thursday, March 7, 2013

How to make balloon Spider-man

Materials: a balloon, an air pump, scissors, a permanent black marker and correction liquid (whitening).

Buy balloons on Amazon (paid link): 
 Buy an air pump on Amazon (paid link): 

We are going to use a mix of described previously muscle body and monkey to make a sculpture of super hero character. In this example it is Spider-man. Actually my three years old son gives different names to each variation of this sculpture. It could be Spider-baby or Spider-boy. Many thanks to 
Inc. MADA Design (Illustrator) for creating kids friendly comics (I Can Read Book 2). My kid is totally over his head with Spidey. Also, the sculpture that we are going to make, can be modified to represent other super heroes, ninja tortoise and etc. Inflate a red balloon leaving about six-inch flat tail (Pic 1).

Twist the first soft about five-inch bubble (Pic 2).

Lock both ends of the first bubble in one lock twist (Pic 3). We have made the head.

Twist a chain of the next five bubbles to make the arms. Twist the second about three-inch bubble to make an arm. Twist the third soft about one-inch bubble to make the hand. Twist the fourth about one-inch bubble. Later we are going to pop this bubble to separate the arms. Twist the fifth soft about one-inch bubble to make the hand. Twist the sixth about three-inch bubble to make the arm (Pic 4).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last five (the second through the sixth) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 5).

Lock both ends of each hand (the fifth and the third) bubbles in one lock twist (pic 6). We are going to pop the fourth bubble later.

The next five bubbles we twist to make the body. Twist the seventh about two-inch bubble. Twist the eighth about one-inch bubble. Twist the ninth about one-inch bubble. Twist the tenth about two-inch bubble (Pic 7).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last four (the seventh through the tenth) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 8).

Twist the eleventh about three-inch bubble (pic 9).

Lock the free end of the eleventh bubble between the eighth and the ninth bubbles (Pic 10 and 11). We have made the muscle body.

The next five bubbles we twist to make the legs. Twist the twelfth about three-inch bubble to make a leg. Twist the thirteenth soft about one-inch bubble to make a foot. Twist the fourteenth about one-inch bubble. Twist the fifteenth soft about one-inch bubble to make a foot. Twist the sixteenth about three-inch bubble to make a leg (Pic 12).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last five (the twelfth through the sixteenth) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 13).

Lock both ends of each foot (the fifteenth and the thirteenth) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 14). We have made the legs.

Use scissors to pop the fourth and the fourteenth bubbles to split the arms and the legs.  Use the permanent black marker to draw the spider on the body and the web on the head (Pic 15 through 17). Congratulations, we have made the Spiderman or the Spider-boy as my son calls it.

We can use the sculpture as it is. Also, it makes sense to secure the hands and the feet bubbles before you give the sculpture to kids. We can use the sewing thread to tie ends of the bubbles. Or simply deflate the hand bubble and then use this little flat tail to tie the knot to secure the arm bubble (Pic 18 through 21). Secure the leg bubbles in the same fashion (by deflating the feet bubbles and use it to tie the knot).

One of the variations of this sculpture is to make a simple head. In previous example we lock both ends of the first five-inch bubble in one lock. In the following example we twist the first about two-inch bubble and keep it as it is to make the head. It leaves us with a knot (nuzzle) on the top of the head. The head looks better without nuzzle on the top of it :) Inflate a balloon starting from the opposite end (Pic 22).

Twist the first about two-inch bubble. We have made the head. Work the rest of the sculpture in the same fashion as we did the previous sculpture (Pic 23 and 24).

Use the permanent black marker to draw the spider on the body and the web on the head. Also, as you may have already noticed in this example I use correction liquid (from my kids school supplies) to draw eyes. You can use any color marker over the correction liquid to change the eyes color. Congratulations, we have made the Spiderman or Spider-baby (Pic 25 and 26).

This is one of the go-go sculptures in New York, hometown of Spider-man (Pic 27).
 Have fun and happy twisting :)
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for you

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