Saturday, July 8, 2017

Water Lily Balloon Flower

Supplies: balloons, an air pump and scissors.
Use 2 flat balloons (yellow in this example) to make a flower blossom.

Buy balloons on Amazon (paid link): 
 Buy an air pump on Amazon (paid link): 

Cut each balloon on 3 pieces.

Cut off the piece with round end of the balloon about 1 cm shorter than other 2 pieces.

Tie one end of each piece of balloon that has two holes.
Prepare 5 pieces.

Inflate each piece of balloon making about 12-15 cm bubble leaving about 3-4 cm flat tail.

Prepare all bubbles in the same way.

Tie nozzles of all 5 bubbles in one knot.

At this moment the sculpture looks like a five pointed star.
We have prepared the petals of our flower.

Inflate a green balloon leaving about 12 cm flat tail.

Twist five soft about 2 cm bubbles. 
Lock both ends of each bubble in one lock twist.

I work one bubble at a time.

We have made a small five pointed star or small five petals flower.
It is going to be the center of the water lily.
The rest of the green balloon represents the stem of the flower.

Lock the yellow petals of our flower between the five small green bubbles and the rest of the green balloon.

Lock the flat end of each yellow bubble between small green bubbles.
Hold firmly the end of yellow bubble to prevent air flow in the flat end of the balloon.

Stretch the flat end of the balloon and force it between small green bubbles.

Work all yellow petal bubbles in the same way.

Congratulations! You have made the water lily balloon flower.

I like to make funny tail at the end of the green balloon.

Twist about 5-10 cm bubble at the end of the green balloon.

Pump this green bubble to the very end of the flat tail. 

The water lily flowers come in different color and they look nice in a bouquet.

Have fun and happy twisting :) 


  1. Thanks for the wonderful tutorial on creating balloon flowers. I will be making it very soon and surprise my little kids. Thank you and keep sharing.

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