Friday, November 6, 2015

Balloon crown

Supplies: balloons, an air pump and scissors.

Buy balloons on Amazon (paid link): 
 Buy an air pump on Amazon (paid link): 

Inflate three balloons of the same color leaving about 17 cm flat tail. In this example I use yellow or golden color balloons (Pic 1 and 2).

Tie together nozzles of two balloons (Pic 3). In previously published instruction "Balloon crown" I worked first the top of the crown and then the bottom row. Today I am going to work both rows at the same time.

I am going to twist all bubbles of the same about 3 cm size (Pic 4).

Twist the first two bubbles of the top row (Pic 5).

Lock both ends of the second bubble in one lock twist. Twist the third bubble. Twist the first two bubbles of the bottom row (Pic 6).

Lock ends of the last bubbles of the top and the bottom rows in one lock twist. We have made the first section of the crown. The balloons are going to be of different length, be cause we are making more bubbles in the top row than in the bottom row. We have to alternate balloons after completing each section of the crown to make the balloons of about the same size. Otherwise it would take four balloons to make the sculpture. Bring the long balloon to the top row (Pic 7). 

Make the second section of the same size (Pic 8 and 9).

Remember to alternate balloons after each section!

Make the third section of the same size (Pic 10).

 We have to make total of nine section. I want to make the first three and the last three sections of the same size. The middle three sections are going to be different size. Twist the tenth about 6 cm bubble. Twist the eleventh about 3 cm bubble. Twist the twelfth about 6 cm bubble. We are making all bubbles of the bottom row of the same about 3 cm size. Twist the next two (the seventh and the eighth) bubbles of the bottom row (Pic 11).

Lock last bubbles of the fourth section in one lock twist. Twist the thirteenth about 9 cm bubble. Twist the fourteenth about 3 cm bubble. Twist the fifteenth about 9 cm bubble. Twist the next two (the ninth and the tenth) bubbles of the bottom row. Lock ends of the fifth section in one lock twist (Pic 12). 

Make the sixth section exactly of the same size as the fourth section (Pic 13).

The next three ( the last three) section of the crown we have to make the same size as we have made the first three section. Make the seventh section (Pic 14). The rest of the balloons is not enough to make any more sections.

Attach nozzle of the third balloon to the seventh section. Cut off the rest of the first and the second balloons and tie off ends (Pic 15). I am going to work the next two sections in the same way as we did in the previously mentioned instruction "Balloon crown". First I am going to make the top row and then I will make the bottom row using one balloon.

Twist a chain of the next eight bubbles. Lock both ends of the twenty third bubble in one lock twist. Lock both ends of the twenty sixth bubble in one lock twist (Pic 16).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last five bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 17). We have made the ninth section. Twist a chain of the next two bubbles.

Lock both ends of the chain of the last ten bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 18). We have made the eighth section.

Cut off the rest of the balloon and tie off the end (Pic 19). Note the shape of the sculpture. 

Tie nozzles of the first two balloons between bubbles of the ninth section. Fix all bubbles in proper positions. Congratulations! We have made the crown (Pic 20 through 29).

Note the shape of the crown - specially from the side view (Pic 24).

This crown will fit a person with middle or large head. It is fancier looking crown then the old king crown. We can use it for kings, queens or princess. 
Have fun and happy twisting :)

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