Saturday, March 9, 2013

Balloon flag of Russia. Balloon flag of Ukraine

Materials: balloons; an air pump, scissors and correction liquid.

Buy balloons on Amazon (paid link): 
 Buy an air pump on Amazon (paid link): 

We can use balloons to make fabric for countless variety of sculptures (dress, cars, furniture, buildings and etc). There are many various patterns and techniques to make fabric. In this instruction we are going to make a small piece of fabric. I am going to use yellow and blue balloons to represent a national flag of Ukraine. Inflate each balloon leaving a seven—inch flat tail (Pic 1).

We are going to twist all bubbles of the same one—inch size, except where I will mention a different size. Normally we use one or more balloons to make each row of a fabric. However in this instruction we will use each balloon to make two rows of fabric. Twist the first yellow and the first blue bubbles (Pic 2).

Lock free end of the first blue bubble with the free end of the first yellow bubble (Pic 3).

Twist the second blue two—inch bubble (Pic 4).

Twist the third blue bubble (Pic 5).

Lock both ends of the chain of the first three (the first through the third) blue bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 6).

Twist the second yellow two—inch bubble. Twist the third yellow bubble (Pic 7).

Lock both ends of the chain of the first three (the first through the third) yellow bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 8).

Twist the fourth yellow and the fourth blue bubble (Pic 9).

Lock the free end of the fourth yellow bubble with the free end of the fourth blue bubble (Pic 10).

Twist the fifth and the sixth yellow bubbles. Twist the fifth and the sixth blue bubbles (Pic 11).

Lock the free end of the sixth yellow bubble with the free end of the sixth blue bubble (Pic 12).

Twist the seventh two—inch blue bubble. Twist the eighth blue bubble (Pic 13).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last three (the sixth through the eighth) blue bubbles in one lock twist. You have to pull the rest of the blue balloon through the loop of the fifth and sixth blue and yellow bubbles (Pic 14).

Twist the seventh yellow two—inch bubble. Twist the eighth yellow bubble (Pic 15).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last three (the sixth through the eighth) yellow bubbles in one lock twist. You have to pull the rest of the yellow balloon through the loop of the fifth and sixth blue and yellow bubbles (Pic 16).

Twist the ninth and the tenth blue bubbles (Pic 17).

Lock both ends of the chain of the first ten (the first through the tenth) blue bubbles in one lock twist. You have to pull the rest of the blue balloon through the loop of the first and fourth blue and yellow bubbles (Pic 18). The rest of the blue balloon is the eleventh bubble.

Cut off the eleventh blue bubble and tie off the end (Pic 19).

Twist the ninth and the tenth yellow bubbles (Pic 20).

Lock both ends of the chain of the first ten (the first through the tenth) yellow bubbles in one lock twist. The rest of the yellow balloon is the eleventh bubble (Pic 21).

Cut off the eleventh yellow bubble and tie off the end (Pic 22). Congratulation, you have made the national flag of Ukraine. We can use different colors to make similar flags. 

We can use the same technique to make larger pieces of fabric. I am going to use Russian national flag (white, blue and red) as an example. Inflate all three balloons leaving a seven—inch flat tail (Pic 23).

Twist the first white and the first blue bubble (Pic 24).

Twist the second white two—inch bubble. Twist the third white bubble (Pic 25).

Lock both ends of the chain of the first three (the first through the third) white bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 26).

Twist the second blue two—inch bubble. Twist the first red bubble (Pic 27).

Lock the free end of the second blue bubble with the free end of the first red bubble (Pic 28).

Twist the third blue bubble (Pic 29).

Lock both ends of the chain of the first three (the first through the third) blue bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 30).

Twist the 2nd red two—inch bubble. Twist the third red bubble (Pic 31).

Lock both ends of the chain of the first three (the first through the third) red bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 32).

Twist the fourth white and the fourth blue bubble (Pic 33).

Lock free end of the fourth white bubble with the free end of the fourth blue bubble (Pic 34).

Twist the fifth and the sixth white and blue bubbles (Pic 35).

Lock the free end of the sixth white bubble with the free end of the sixth blue bubble (Pic 36).

Twist the seventh and the eighth white and blue bubbles (Pic 37).

Lock the free end of the eighth white bubble with the free end of the eighth blue bubble. Twist the ninth and the tenth white and blue bubbles (Pic 38).

Lock the free end of the tenth white bubble with the free end of the tenth blue bubble (Pic 39).

Twist the eleventh blue two—inch bubble. Twist a chain of seven red (the fourth through the tenth) bubbles. Twist the eleventh red two—inch bubble (Pic 40).

Lock the free end of the eleventh blue bubble with the free end of the eleventh red bubble (Pic 41).

Twist the twelfth blue bubble (Pic 42).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last three (the tenth through the twelfth) blue bubbles in one lock twist. You have to pull the blue balloon through the loop of four (the ninth and the tenth) white and blue bubbles (Pic 43).

Twist the twelfth red bubble (Pic 44).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last three (the tenth through the twelfth) red bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 45).

Twist the thirteenth blue and red bubbles (Pic 46).

Lock free end of the thirteenth blue bubble with the free end of the thirteenth red bubble (Pic 47).

Twist the fourteenth red and blue bubbles (Pic 48).

Lock the free end of the fourteenth blue bubble between the seventh and the eighth blue bubbles. And lock the free end of the fourteenth red bubble between the seventh and the eighth red bubbles (Pic 49).

Twist the fifteenth red and blue bubbles (Pic 50).

Lock the free end of the fifteenth blue bubble with the free end of the fifteenth red bubble (Pic 51).

Twist the sixteenth red and blue bubbles (Pic 52).

Lock the free end of the sixteenth blue bubble between the fifth and the sixth blue bubbles. Lock the free end of the sixteenth red bubble between the fifth and the sixth red bubbles (Pic 53).

Twist the seventeenth red and blue bubbles (Pic 54).

Lock the free end of the seventeenth red bubble with the free end of the seventeenth blue bubble (Pic 55).

Twist the eighteenth red and blue bubbles. Lock the free end of the eighteenth blue bubble between the third and the fourth blue bubbles. Lock the free end of the eighteenth red bubble between the third and the fourth red bubbles (Pic 56). The rest of the balloon is the nineteenth bubble. Cut of the nineteenth bubble and tie off the end.

Twist the eleventh white two—inch bubble. Twist the twelfth white bubble (Pic 57).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last three (the tenth through the twelfth) white bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 58). You have to pull the white balloon through the loop of four (the ninth and the tenth) white and blue bubbles.

Twist the thirteenth and the fourteenth white bubbles (Pic 59).

Lock the free end of the fourteenth white bubble between the seventh and the eighth white bubbles (Pic 60).

Twist the fifteenth and the sixteenth white bubbles (Pic 61).

Lock the free end of the sixteenth white bubble between the fifth and the sixth white bubbles (Pic 62).

Twist the seventeenth and the eighteenth white bubbles (Pic 63).

Lock the free end of the eighteenth white bubble between the third and the fourth white bubbles. The rest of the white balloon is the nineteenth bubble (Pic 64).

Cut off the nineteenth white bubble and tie off the end. Congratulations, you have made Russian national flag (Pic 65 and 66).

There are different ways to attach the flag. I use a clear flat balloon as a string (Pic 67).

Interweave the string between bubbles at the points where you want the flag to be attached. Make sure you have about two—inch loose ends of the string (Pic 68).

We are going to make a basic flagpole/ stand/ hat. Inflate a brown balloon leaving a three—inch flat tail (Pic 69).

Twist the first two—inch bubble (Pic 70).

Twist the second soft one—inch bubble. Twist the third soft one—inch bubble (Pic 71).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last two (the second and the third) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 72).

Lock both ends of the second bubble in one lock twist. At the same time you lock both ends of the third bubble in one lock twist (Pic 73).

We've just made the top of the flagpole. Use the flag to measure the size of the fourth brown bubble (Pic 74).

Twist the fourth four—inch bubble (Pic 75).

Twist the fifth soft one—inch bubble. Twist the sixth soft one—inch bubble (Pic 76).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last two (the fifth and the sixth) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 77).

Lock both ends of the fifth bubble in one lock twist. At the same time we lock both ends of the sixth bubble in one lock twist (Pic 78).

Attach the string between the one--inch bubbles of the flagpole. Just make sure the top side of the flag is attached to the top of the flagpole (Pic 79).

Use the rest of the balloon to make the stand/ hat (Pic 80 and 81).

We can turn the horizontal stripes of the fabric vertically as well (Pic 82).

It's quite flexible fabric. We can roll and fix it in shape of tubes to make various decorations (Pic 83 through 85).

I am going to post more instructions about patterns and techniques to make fabric. In this particular instruction we use fabric to make flags. Using appropriate colors we can make flags of different nations, sport clubs and etc. I am going to add more pictures of flags made in the same fashion to this post. 
Have fun and happy twisting :)

Flag of Angola.
 Use white correction liquid to paint symbols on the flag. Then use yellow/ gold permanent marker to paint over it.

Flag of Armenia.

Flag of Austria.

Flag of Bulgaria.

Flag of Estonia.

Flag of Gabon.

Flag of Germany.

Flag of Ghana.

Flag of Indonesia.

Flag of Lithuania.

Flag of Luxembourg.

Flag of Monaco.

Flag of Poland.

Flag of San Marino.

Flag of Singapore.
I use white correction liquid to paint symbols.

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