Tuesday, July 19, 2022

THE SPEECH by Jonathan Swift

by Jonathan Swift

May it please your Grace,

We cannot omit this occasion to tell,

That we love the Queen's person and government well;

Then next, to your Grace we this compliment make,

That our worships regard you, but 'tis for her sake:

Though our mouth be a Whig, and our head a Dissenter,

Yet salute you we must, 'cause you represent her:

Nor can we forget, sir, that some of your line

Did with mildness and peace in this government shine.

But of all your exploits, we'll allow but one fact,

That your Grace has procured us a Popery Act.

By this you may see that the least of your actions

Does conduce still the most to our satisfactions.

And lastly, because in the year eighty-eight

You did early appear in defence of our right,

We give no other proof of your zeal to your Prince;

So we freely forget all your services since.

It's then only we hope, that whilst you rule o'er us,

You'll tread in the steps of King William the glorious,

Whom we're always adoring, tho' hand over head,

For we owe him allegiance, although he be dead;

Which shows that good zeal may be founded in spleen,

Since a dead Prince we worship, to lessen the Queen.

And as for her Majesty, we will defend her

Against our hobgoblin, the Popish Pretender.

Our valiant militia will stoutly stand by her,

Against the sly Jack, and the sturdy High-flier.

She is safe when thus guarded, if Providence bless her,

And Hanover's sure to be next her successor.

Thus ended the speech, but what heart would not pity

His Grace, almost choked with the breath of the City!

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