Friday, March 8, 2013

One balloon teddy bear

Materials: a balloon; an air pump and a permanent marker.

Buy balloons on Amazon (paid link): 
 Buy an air pump on Amazon (paid link): 

Inflate a balloon leaving a seven—inch flat tail (Pic 1).

Twist the first three—inch bubble. It’s the muzzle of the bear (Pic 2).

Twist the second one—inch bubble (Pic 3).

Twist the third one— inch bubble (Pic 4).

Twist the fourth soft one—inch bubble. You will twist this bubble in the ear twist. Remember the bubble for the ear twist should be soft. You make it soft by pushing the air out from the bubble (Pic 5).

Then you twist the bubble (Pic 6 and 7).

Twist the fifth one—inch bubble (Pic 8).

Twist the sixth soft one—inch bubble (Pic 9 through 11).

You will twist this bubble in the ear twist. Twist the seventh one—inch bubble (Pic 12).

You have made a chain of seven bubbles (Pic 13).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last five (the third through the seventh) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 14 and 15). This step is marked with arrows between points A and F on the scheme.

You have made a chain of the first two bubbles and the loop of the last five bubbles (Pic 16).

Push the first bubble half way through the loop of the five bubbles (Pic 17 through 21).

Bring the ends of the fourth bubble together in your right hand (Pic 22).

Hold the fourth bubble in your left hand and the 3rd and 5th bubbles in your right hand (Pic 23).

Lock both ends of the fourth bubble in one lock twist by twisting the bubble around itself (Pic 24 and 25). This step is marked with arrows between points B and C on the scheme.

You have made one ear (Pic 26).

Lock both ends of the sixth bubble in one lock twist (Pic 27—31). Do it in the same manner as you did the fourth bubble.

You have made the second ear (Pic 32 and 33). This step is marked with the arrows between points D and E on the scheme.

Twist the 8th one—inch bubble (Pic 34). It’s the neck.

The next four bubbles you twist to make the front paws. Twist the ninth one—inch bubble (Pic 35).

Twist the tenth one—inch bubble (Pic 36).

Twist the eleventh one—inch bubble (Pic 37).

Twist the twelfth one—inch bubble (Pic 38).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last four bubbles (ninth through twelfth bubbles) in one lock twist (Pic 39 through 42). This step is marked with arrows between points G and I on the scheme.

Twist the 13th three—inch bubble (Pic 43). It’s the body.

The next four bubbles you twist to make the rear paws of the bear. Twist the fourteenth one—inch bubble (Pic 44).

Twist the 15th one—inch bubble (Pic 45).

Twist the sixteenth one—inch bubble (Pic 46).

Twist the seventeenth one—inch bubble (Pic 47).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last four (the fourteenth through the seventeenth) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 48 through 51). This step is marked with arrows between points J and L on the scheme. The rest of the balloon is the eighteenth bubble. 

Lock both ends of the chain of the two (the ninth and tenth or the eleventh and twelfth) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 52—55). This step is marked with arrows between the points G—H and H—I on the scheme. 

Lock both ends of the chain of  two (the 14th and 15th or the 16th and 17th) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 56—60). This step is marked with arrows between the points J—K and K—L on the scheme.

The 18th bubble is the tail. Use the permanent marker to draw the face (Pic 61). Congratulations, you have made the teddy bear 2. You may force a penny between the rear paws to make the bear able to stand on any flat surface.
 Have fun and happy twisting :)

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