Saturday, March 9, 2013

How to make balloon cat

Materials: balloons, a permanent black marker, scissors, and an air pump.

Buy balloons on Amazon (paid link): 
 Buy an air pump on Amazon (paid link): 

This instruction is prompted by question from one of my YouTube friends. I have been asked if I know how to make a sculpture of a white cat that you can see among many other nice sculptures in YouTube video (the sculpture is shown at about 1 min 10 mark) click on the link to watch the video:
This video was uploaded by balloonic;on Oct 6, 2009

I want to use this occasion to thank balloonic
 and all other balloon twisters for sharing beautiful ideas, designs and instructions. There are different ways to make the same sculpture. I will try to get in touch with the author of the original sculpture of the white cat from the video, to give proper attribution to his/her work as well to find if my instruction is anyway close to the original way the sculpture was done. I am going to place the respond (if I get any) from the artist right here.First we are going to make the head of the cat. Inflate a balloon leaving about four-inch flat tail (Pic 1).

Twist the first soft up to one-inch bubble (Pic 2).

Lock both ends of the first bubble in one lock twist (Pic 3).

Twist a chain of the next two (the second and the third) soft about four-inch bubbles (Pic 4).

Lock all ends of the last two (the second and the third) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 5 through 7).

Twist the fourth about four-inch bubble. Twist the fifth and the sixth about one-inch bubbles. Twist the seventh about four-inch bubble (Pic 8).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last four (the fourth through the seventh) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 9).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last two (the sixth and the seventh) in one lock twist (Pic 10 and 11).

Twist the eight about three-inch bubble. Twist the ninth and the tenth about five-inch bubbles (Pic 12).

Lock both end of the chain of the last two (the ninth and the tenth) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 13). We are going to lock all ends of the last two bubbles in one lock twist to make the ears, I just think that it is safer to do later.

Twist the eleventh soft about one-inch bubble (Pic 14).

Lock both ends of the eleventh bubble in one lock twist (Pic 15).

Twist the twelfth about three-inch bubble (Pic 16).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last four ( the eighth through the twelfth) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 17 and 18).

Lock both ends of the tenth or both ends of the eleventh bubble in one lock twist (Pic 19). The rest of the balloon is the thirteenth bubble. It is the neck bubble.

We have made the head of the cat (Pic 20 through 22).

Now we are going to make the nose. Inflate about one-inch bubble of whatever color you want (I use black in this example). It is better to use the end of the balloon to make the nose bubble (Pic 23).

Attach and fix the nose bubble on the top between the second and the third bubble of the head. Use a permanent black marker to draw the face of the cat (Pic 24 through 28).

In previous example I have used a pink balloon to make the head. Bellow is an example of the same head in white color (Pic 29 through 31).

We have many different options when it comes to make the body of the cat. We can attach the head of the cat to a simple hat. We can use body 1 or actually any of bodies. Well, let's make a body that resembles the original sculpture. Inflate a balloon leaving about one-inch flat tail (Pic 32).

We are going to make a body without the neck bubble. However, if you have made the head without the neck or with very short neck bubble then you should twist the first bubble of the body to make the neck bubble. Twist a chain of the first two (the first and the second) about four-inch bubbles (Pic 33).

Lock both ends of the chain of the first two bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 34).

Twist the chain of the next two (the third and the fourth) about five-inch bubbles (Pic 35).

Lock both ends of the chain of the last two (the third and the fourth) bubbles in one lock twist (Pic 36).

Twist the fifth about six-inch bubble (Pic 37).

Lock the free end of the fifth bubble between the third and the fourth bubbles as to make the bird body fold (Pic 38). The rest of the balloon is the tail. Congratulations, we have made the body.

I think that the artist cut off some part of the tail to make it shorter in the original sculpture. I am going to keep it as it is. Just shape it (Pic 39).

Now we have to assemble the sculpture. Force the neck (thirteenth) bubble between the first two ( the first and the second) bubbles of the body (Pic 40 through 42).

Congratulations, we have made the cat (Pic 43).

My cat Few used to sit on this spot just in this position.

And here is an example of the body with the neck bubble (Pic 45 and 46). Also, I think that the artist used a different body in the original sculpture. Have fun and happy twisting :)

1 comment:

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